Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas!  Family!  What do they mean to you?  How do they go together?  To me they mean celebrating the birth of my Lord and Savior with family and friends. 

On Christmas day John and I started the day by opening our presents, emptying the stockings and then going to our daughter's and son-in-law's home.  Spending time there with our oldest two grandchildren is always something we love cherishing each moment.  After eating, talking and seeing what Taylor and Alyssa got for Christmas,  we left Tim's and Kim's for Johnny's and Desiree's home to see what our two youngest granddaughters received for Christmas.  Being with family is one of the best things. 

Every moment we spend with our family is precious to both John and I.  Watching a three and ten year old is amazing.  Rylei is wanting us to see everything.  Halei is showing us her new clothes.  She also chose to play her new guitar for Papa.  These things may seem like ordinary, plain events; but to Grandparents they are not.  We realize the importance of each and every moment we have with our families.  Making memories with family is God's gift to us Yet, she accomplished it her way. 

After returning home, John and I get ready for my family, my mother, wonderful only sister and brother-in-law, niece and nephew and of course our children and grandchildren over at 3:00 PM.  As soon as the door opens the food begins to pour in.  Each family bringing the food items assigned to them. 

I could go on; but I want to tell you my favorite part of the entire day.  It was after the presents were opened, as wild, fun and chaotic as that was; it was sitting around the living room going around so everyone could share thanksgiving to God for specific things He had done for them in 2012.  Then we go around room reading a Christmas Story.  This year the selection was "The Legend of the Candy Cane".  Each person got a chance to read a page.  There was one who chose not to read.  As each person read the main point was being revealed.  The message was the true meaning of Christmas.

The true meaning and message of the story of the Candy Cane is Jesus Christ leaving heaven to be born of a virgin to live to die a tremendously painful death on a cross for you and me.  Thanks be to God this is not where this amazing story ends .  Jesus Christ rose from the dead and the grave to not only show us the way to be with Him forever but to be the way. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice and He chose to die for me and you.  Do you believe!!!! Do you believe In Jesus Christ and have you chose Him as your Lord and Savior from your know those things we do and say that are wrong?  Please do not let another day go by without making Him your choice for Life. 

Family is important!  Christmas is important to us!  Christ mas...Christ must be first in my life each day.  So many days I fail to put Jesus Christ first; but I ask Him yet again today; please forgive me and help me live my life for you. 

Take Care and keep Christ first in your life. Also, spend time loving your family!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!

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